You’re Already Involved…

12 12 2008

Went to the AMAZING Battlefront event tonight…

Where 20 young people are campaigning on various issues from gang culture to proper recycling of the millions of free newspapers that are given out left right and centre in London everyday.

WOW what can I say the whole setup was amazing. The young people left me feeling inspired and taught me a thing or two.

Most important I think reminded me to listen and ask more questions (Thanks Alex!) reminded me how great it is to see young people fired up about changing the world (Zander!) and made me laugh out loud with renditions of the editing process (Zainab!)

Thanks guys I had a ball and bumped into people I really needed to see. Double bonus!

Goodnight and Sleep Tight. Tomorrow it all begins again…


Aghh Where Do I Start!

19 11 2008

Well this is on two fronts.
its an Aghh of exhilaration because we have done Chain Reaction!

The team truly done us proud.

and another Aghhh! where do I start. because there is so much work on my desk right now!

and on that note, I’m gonna get back to it.
